Digital Innovation & Business Planning (DIB)
Digital Innovation & Business Planning (DIB)
Liebe Studierende,
wir möchten Sie gerne informieren, dass die Dienstzeit von Herrn Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Fischer planmäßig am 30.09.2025 enden wird. Aus diesem Grund ist es möglich, dass die Veranstaltung im WS 2025/26 nicht mehr angeboten wird. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter folgendem Link.
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Course Details
The course is available in the following Master programs
- FACT: Elective module (Aktuelle Fragen aus FACT I bzw. III)
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen: Elective module (Aktuelle Fragen aus FACT I)
- Management: Compulsory module II (Fallstudien und Projekte im Management)
Seminar Digital Innovation & Business Planning (DIB)
English and German, 2 SWS, 5 ECTS
In cooperation with Siemens Healthineers and Valsight |
Agenda | Date | Time | Room |
Design Thinking – Fundamentals | 13.11.2024 | 1 – 4 pm | MS Teams |
Design Thinking – Workshop | 14.11.2024 | 9 am – 5 pm | MS Teams |
Business Planning – Theory & Concept | 04.12.2024 | 9 am – 5 pm | MS Teams |
Business Planning – Software & Workshop | 05.12.2024 | 9 am – 5 pm | MS Teams |
Pitch & Convince the Management Jury
(Presentation Day) |
23.01.2025 | 10 am – 3 pm | @Experience Center
Siemens Healthineers onsite |
Contact Person: | Christof Neunsinger (M.Sc.) |
Application and course materials:
Please find the application form for the registration in the StudOn course (no password required). The course materials are provided in the StudOn course (the password will be announced to the participants after admission).
StudOnLearning objectives, skills, and support:
The objectives of the DIB-Seminar are to introduce and apply innovative approaches for the implementation of digitalization in the controlling and finance function. You will be trained in fundamental concepts such as Design Thinking and Business Planning, so as to develop solutions for a business case. Moreover, you will improve your digital skills with the planning software Valsight, which enables a value-driver-based valuation of specific business cases. The business cases will be presented in a pitch to the management jury at the Siemens Healthineers Experience Center onsite.
Workload, method of examination and grading
Workload: Attendance time: 60 h, self-study: 90 h
- Idea Explanation and Business Plan, handed in written form (60%)
- Pitch (40%)
The seminar Digital Innovation & Business Planning (DIB) can be booked as „Aktuelle Fragen aus FACT I“, „Aktuelle Fragen aus FACT III“ or „Fallstudien und Projekte im Management“, depending on the course of study (see above).
The modules „Aktuelle Fragen aus FACT I“ and „Aktuelle Fragen aus FACT III“ consist of two 2.5-ECTS slots each. Please assure that, in at least one of the two modules, two empty slots are available for booking (see Modulhandbuch FACT)
Duration and module frequency
One semester, winter term only