Successful presentations at the 46th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association (EAA) in Bucharest, Romania (May 15-17, 2024)

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From May 15-17, 2024, four research assistants from the Chair of Accounting and Management Control (Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Fischer) presented their current empirical studies at the 46th EAA Annual Congress, which focus on the alignment of financial and non-financial KPIs (Jonas Albers, M.Sc.), the drivers of management control systems in a corporate new venture (Nils Kneußel, M.Sc.), and the materiality and information content of climate-related risk disclosures in 10-K filings of U.S. listed companies (Lena Pager, M.Sc. and Christof Neunsinger, M.Sc.).

The congress, which took place in the city center of Bucharest, provided valuable feedback for the further development of our research projects. The congress programme started with a keynote speech from Prof. Dr. Andreas Barckow, Chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), at the Romanian Athenaeum Grand Hall. Between Wednesday and Friday, international researchers presented and discussed their studies and contributions on novel topics in accounting and management control research. The congress ended with a festive dinner at the Palace of the Parliament.